Tuesday, February 24, 2009

51% Studios Architecture

This virtual tree house was designed by Alastair Townsend at 51% Studios Architecture. I could daydream about the possibilities of this design all day long, I love everything about it.
Here is the link to their website:

Lee Tree House by Joseph Lim

This tree house, found in the book: TreeHouses: Living a Dream, by Alejandro Bahamón, was designed by Joseph Lim, and is located in Gallop Park, Singapore. The house is built around the tree, and supported by metal columns that reach to the ground. The slender beams and multi-level platforms are irresistibly inspirational.

You can see more of Joseph Lim's buildings here:

TreeHouse Company

I decided to add my favourite tree houses from this book: TreeHouses: Living a Dream by Aljandro Bahamón. The Frederick house is located in Susex and was designed by TreeHouse Company based in Scotland. The slide is a GREAT idea, and will have to be incorporated in my future tree house.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Boon Inc.

Boon Inc. is another company I found on the Toy Directory. They are located in Chandler, Arizona, and specialize in designing bath toys. I really love their material and colour choices!
Check out their website to see more great products:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I saw this toy on Toy Directory Monthly, and thought what a great toy! It is so simple and aesthetically beautiful.  The toy was created by sculptor Peter Mayor in Los Angeles.
Here is the link to the website:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Vitra and Tau

I found these inspirational furniture / play components on kidsmodern.com. The website is based in Switzerland and most of the companies showcased are from countries in close proximity.  The seesaw is by a company called Tau, based in Germany. The elephant was designed by Ray and Charles Eames in 1945, their version was made with plywood, and never made it to mass production. Vitra (a Swiss company) is now mass producing them out of plastic.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Berliner Seilfabrik Climbing Structures

I saw my first Berliner Seilfabrik structure while working on my thesis project, a musical playground.  My thesis partner and I were on a sales tour of Toronto school playgrounds, with a representative from Henderson Playgrounds, when we saw this magnificent structure.  Being introduced to these climbing structures was definitely the highlight of the day.  The one in a picture is in West Coast Park in  Singapore, I wish we could have such tall play structures here in North America!

City Museum in St. Louis

City Museum in St. Louis Missouri.  This place looks like so much fun, I am going to have to pay them a visit! There are some great photos of all the adventures the museum has to offer on their website:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kaiser&Kuhne Freizeitgerate Playgrounds

I fell in love with the slides by Kaiser and Kuhne when I first saw them online. I feel lucky to have spent five of my childhood years in Switzerland, so I was able to enjoy German playgrounds though those years. Too bad that this company was founded in 1988, one year after I left Switzerland to move to Canada. 

Check out their website: